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Advanced Level 1 & 2 Online
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How we create negative energies, thought forms and lower astral entities (4:32)
The spine: 3 minute overview (part 2) (2:51)
Working tantrically part 1 (LIVE) (7:31)
Testimonials and training moments from Bali 2023 (7:20)
Trailer 1 (what to expect) (2:32)
Trailer 2 (what to expect) (2:40)
Yogic perspective on the spine (1:27)
Welcome to the Advanced Training
The difference between level 1 & 2 (10:31)
Online course welcome email
Your body is your mystery school (tips for studying this course)
Universal law
Universal law and dimensions of reality
Re-cap on Intro training:
Re-cap on the intro course
Self responsibility and counter-indications
Self practice exercise guide: a to g
The nervous system simplified biologically and etherically
Ujjayi breathing
De-armouring breath
De-armouring breath and kundalini syndrome
Nitric oxide and de-armouring
Check list: major bodywork / trauma informed concepts from the intro course **pre-sale mode
Check list: the polarity framework in non-dual psychology **pre-sale mode
Intention setting exercises
Intention & Embodiment
Setting intentions with the Polarity Framework
Tantric Embodiment
Further downloads
Client consent form: Kundalini Bodywork (PDF)
Six session booking system, tax and insurance (PDF)
Guided meditations: One a day for as long needed
Creating your altar and mantra for meditation (PDF)
Body scan meditation (audio) (23:29)
Clearing the spine (audio) (19:53)
Attunement to Gaia consciousness (15:57)
Chakra meditation **pre-sale mode
Three part yogic with ujjayi and perineum breathing for emotional intelligence **pre-sale mode
Deepening the three part and ujjayi breath **pre-sale mode
Attunement to collective consciousness **pre-sale mode
Attunement to the centre of your universe **pre-sale mode
Increasing the store of Kundalini **pre-sale mode
Energy 101 Part 1
A trinity of paradoxes (2:41)
Smoking sage. Doing more with less. Stop giving your power away (5:23)
Energy 101: Introduction
Hand movements 101 (0:53)
Reiki + working with trinities and paradoxes
Reiki (LIVE) (0:51)
Pranic Healing (LIVE) (2:33)
Energetic pathways (the micro-cosmic orbit in relation to tantra and energetic sex)
Micro-cosmic orbit part 1 (LIVE) (1:47)
Micro-cosmic orbit part 2 (LIVE) (4:07)
Working tantrically
Working tantrically part 1 (LIVE) (7:31)
Working tantrically part 2 (LIVE) (3:04)
Working tantrically part 3 (LIVE) (7:47)
Working tantrically part 4 Recap (LIVE) (0:45)
Kundalini flow of energy
Non-dual Healing (LIVE) (2:05)
Quantum Healing (LIVE) (3:15)
Emotional transference part 1 (2:47)
Emotional transference part 2 **pre-sale mode
Six ways to increase energy in the body
Six ways to increase energy in the body (14:46)
Keeping energy and aura in the body to create abundance (2:19)
Energy 101 Part 2
What is energy (written exercise) **pre-sale mode
Energy, light and vibration (0:47)
AC/DC (3:03)
DC = Energy flows (1:31)
AC = Energy vibrates (2:32)
Time is multidimensional (2:05)
Physics lied (6:29)
Pendulums, muscle testing, the power of belief and the danger in empathy (12:36)
Level One: Intention based practice
Level 1 is an intention based practice. Your free will is essential, you surrender to yourself **pre-sale mode
Activating through shaking
Overview: Activations through shaking part 1 (3:32)
Overview: Activations through shaking part 2 (2:38)
Working on someone as they self-activate through shaking (3:08)
Shaking in neutral (0:35)
Shaking in the masculine (+pelvic floor, hips, spine and varied breathing) (3:24)
Shaking in the feminine (+ moving into Osho kundalini shaking OR the session) (4:40)
Level One: Working Tantrically
Chakra communication (20:51)
Holding a session overview part 1 (2:42)
Holding a session overview part 2 (2:19)
Holding a session overview part 3 (1:41)
Holding a session overview part 4 (empathy) (4:04)
Holding a session overview part 5 (sound) (2:39)
Holding a session overview part 6 (you are NOT a vampire) (1:14)
Masculine & Feminine pathways **pre-sale mode
Lingham is the extension of the spine **pre-sale mode
Energetic sex and emotional exchange between the charkas **pre-sale mode
Dangers of projection and falling in love **pre-sale mode
Working Paradoxically, Tantrically and Multi-dimensionally **pre-sale mode
Expanding on Paradox's to embody Universal law **pre-sale mode
Working with the aura **pre-sale mode
Embodiment is grounding (3:14)
Avoiding an early Kundalini rising while increasing sexual energy **pre-sale mode
Level One: De-armouring
Transforming pain into pleasure (reprogramming the nervous system) (6:57)
Programming universal law into the body (3:26)
Dearmouring breath and releasing sound (4:54)
Breath part 2 -Mindfulness brain chemistry (2:13)
Holotropic breathwork- when activations don't work (7:26)
How to press (3:08)
As above, so below (3:39)
Injecting pain with your thumb (2:02)
Teaching a client to de-armour (little energy moving, no activation) (25:08)
Lowering the pain threshold (8:46)
De-armouring overview demo (17:56)
De-armouring leading into working Tantrically. Full version (20:07)
De-armouring leading into working Tantrically. Short version (11:18)
Life pulse massage with emotional de-armouring (18:50)
Everything but de-armouring the chest. Full version (25:03)
Everything but de-armouring the chest. Short version (18:52)
Working on the spine in level 1. Upright, face up and down (20:23)
De-armouring the abdomen / life pulse massage face down (10:54)
De-armouring the face. Mouth of God. Access bars. Integration (13:11)
De-armouring the face and sinuses (16:46)
Emotional de-armouring with energetic bodywork (17:44)
Teaching a client to de-armour POOR SOUND QUALITY (23:28)
Pain and sensuality **pre-sale mode
De-armouring the legs **pre-sale mode
Opening the root (16:00)
De-armouring the abdomen **pre-sale mode
De-armouring the chest **pre-sale mode
Life pulse massage (15:14)
How to breathe when holding space (Mallorca) (6:46)
Combining holotropic breathwork with de-armouring and working tantrically part 1 (10:11)
Combining holotropic breathwork with de-armouring and working tantrically part 2 (5:28)
Completing a session with hypnosis for body (5:04)
Q&A after the recap on level one session (5:09)
Pranayama - Finding your own practise
Regulating the left and right nervous systems (1:51)
Create your own pranayama style (1:05)
Breath of fire - Kapalabhati (4:12)
Bhastrika (2:56)
Nadi Shodhana (2:53)
Level Two: Recap
Recap on level 2 part 1 (2:25)
Recap on level 2 part 2 (13:14)
Preparing the body for divinity (12:21)
Creating abundance (3:06)
Dealing with trauma (2:38)
Balancing polarity of masculine and feminine (1:41)
Working tantrically appropriate and inappropriate (2:42)
Level Two: Energetic work
Cord cutting **pre-sale mode
Fine lines between coaching, healing and working from non-dual states **pre-sale mode
Working with divinity **pre-sale mode
Energetic structures VS words, spells and hypnosis **pre-sale mode
Removing negative energies, entities, lower astral being, thought forms and implants **pre-sale mode
Level Two: Process of Kundalini Activation
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration One (9:36)
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Two (5:40)
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Three (11:31)
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Four (4:54)
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Five (5:18)
Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Six (7:40)
Feedback and Review
Feedback and Review
Shadow work
Intro to advanced shadow work (5:25)
Shadow work fundamentals (5:58)
4 levels of shadow work (4:03)
Vibrational match (2:00)
The perpetrator needs to heal (3:16)
Transcending desires VS making desires healthy (4:54)
Shadow work. Making our desires healthy (PDF)
Transmuting desires and shadows (2:54)
Learning Journal: What is Darkness (PDF)
Learning Journal: Mirror of Desire (PDF)
Non-dual psychology
Polarity Framework
Motherhood & Fatherhood exercise
Take your power back
Tantra in Kundalini Bodywork
What is Tantra
Conscious ejaculation for men (talk to an online mens group) (65:06)
Entity removal
How we create negative energies, thought forms and lower astral entities (4:32)
Spinal work
Four major nerve plexus for motor functions (9:04)
Overview of level 2 includes working with the spine (3:23)
Group Sessions in Kundalini Bodywork
Group Sessions in Kundalini Bodywork PDF
Group Sessions in Kundalini Bodywork (7:21)
Group session feedback in a group coaching call (3:55)
Day 1 part 1 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (20:36)
Day 1 part 2a Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (18:19)
Day 2 part 1 meditation Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat
Day 2 part 2 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (24:36)
Day 2 part 3 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (24:34)
Day 2 part 4 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat **pre-sale mode
Zoom recording: Giving online sessions
Online sessions day 1 part one (17:08)
Online sessions day 1 part two (22:45)
Online sessions day 2 part one (24:33)
Online sessions day 2 part two (34:22)
Bonus section: Q&A's and Demonstrations Mallorca 2023
Q&A part 1 (10:47)
Q&A with demo part 2 (16:17)
Q & A’s: Menstruation, ovarian breathing, risks of preventing pregnancy through too much sublimation (8:39)
Q & A's: Relaxing into trauma (2:36)
Q & A’s: Entities in 2 minutes (1:59)
Q & A’s: Tantric Embodiment (9:02)
Q & A’s: When to traumatise a client on purpose (shadow work) (2:24)
Q and A’s: When an emotional energy centre does not open (1:35)
Q & A’s: Beliefs change reality (3:57)
Q & A’s: Closing the energetic field (6:23)
Q & A’s with demo: Non-dual healing, open an energetic body with connection very slowly (26:28)
Bonus section: sessions and workshops with voiceover
Tantric conscious sexuality (3:09)
What is Kundalini Bodywork Portugal March 2022 (6:48)
Kundalini NOT Serpent Amsterdam September 2022 (5:36)
Art of Surrender in Kundalini Bodywork Tulum May 2022 (1:48)
Tantric Kundalini Goddess embodiment Tulum May 2022 (2:54)
The Power is within Portugal March 2023 (2:13)
Clearing the throat Chakra May 2022 (1:42)
Tantric Embodiment Amsterdam September 2022 (1:09)
Embody your higher self Costa Rica December 2022 (2:42)
Energetic cord cutting (4:31)
Teach online with
Creating your altar and mantra for meditation (PDF)
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