Advanced Level 1 & 2
Preview advanced course content before you purchase
ADVANCED COURSE IS CURRENTLY IN PRE-SALE with 50% OFF $1690, making it $840
You have 24 months of access, AND when PRE-SALE ends, we will rest your access, restarting the 24 months.
The advanced course also gives you full access to the intro course for the same period.
If you previously bought the intro course, please email us for a $300 discount code off the advanced.
PRE-SALE Curriculum
new videos are constantly being uploaded.
- Re-cap on the intro course
- Self responsibility and counter-indications
- Self practice exercise guide: a to g
- Breath
- The nervous system simplified biologically and etherically
- Ujjayi breathing
- De-armouring breath
- De-armouring breath and kundalini syndrome
- Nitric oxide and de-armouring
- Check list: major bodywork / trauma informed concepts from the intro course **pre-sale mode
- Check list: the polarity framework in non-dual psychology **pre-sale mode
- Creating your altar and mantra for meditation (PDF)
- Body scan meditation (audio) (23:29)
- Clearing the spine (audio) (19:53)
- Attunement to Gaia consciousness (15:57)
- Chakra meditation **pre-sale mode
- Three part yogic with ujjayi and perineum breathing for emotional intelligence **pre-sale mode
- Deepening the three part and ujjayi breath **pre-sale mode
- Attunement to collective consciousness **pre-sale mode
- Attunement to the centre of your universe **pre-sale mode
- Increasing the store of Kundalini **pre-sale mode
- A trinity of paradoxes (2:41)
- Smoking sage. Doing more with less. Stop giving your power away (5:23)
- Energy 101: Introduction
- Hand movements 101 (0:53)
- Reiki + working with trinities and paradoxes
- Reiki (LIVE) (0:51)
- Pranic
- Pranic Healing (LIVE) (2:33)
- Energetic pathways (the micro-cosmic orbit in relation to tantra and energetic sex)
- Micro-cosmic orbit part 1 (LIVE) (1:47)
- Micro-cosmic orbit part 2 (LIVE) (4:07)
- Working tantrically
- Working tantrically part 1 (LIVE) (7:31)
- Working tantrically part 2 (LIVE) (3:04)
- Working tantrically part 3 (LIVE) (7:47)
- Working tantrically part 4 Recap (LIVE) (0:45)
- Kundalini flow of energy
- Non-dual
- Non-dual Healing (LIVE) (2:05)
- Quantum
- Quantum Healing (LIVE) (3:15)
- Emotional transference part 1 (2:47)
- Emotional transference part 2 **pre-sale mode
- Overview: Activations through shaking part 1 (3:32)
- Overview: Activations through shaking part 2 (2:38)
- Working on someone as they self-activate through shaking (3:08)
- Shaking in neutral (0:35)
- Shaking in the masculine (+pelvic floor, hips, spine and varied breathing) (3:24)
- Shaking in the feminine (+ moving into Osho kundalini shaking OR the session) (4:40)
- Chakra communication (20:51)
- Holding a session overview part 1 (2:42)
- Holding a session overview part 2 (2:19)
- Holding a session overview part 3 (1:41)
- Holding a session overview part 4 (empathy) (4:04)
- Holding a session overview part 5 (sound) (2:39)
- Holding a session overview part 6 (you are NOT a vampire) (1:14)
- Masculine & Feminine pathways **pre-sale mode
- Lingham is the extension of the spine **pre-sale mode
- Energetic sex and emotional exchange between the charkas **pre-sale mode
- Dangers of projection and falling in love **pre-sale mode
- Working Paradoxically, Tantrically and Multi-dimensionally **pre-sale mode
- Expanding on Paradox's to embody Universal law **pre-sale mode
- Working with the aura **pre-sale mode
- Embodiment is grounding (3:14)
- Avoiding an early Kundalini rising while increasing sexual energy **pre-sale mode
- Transforming pain into pleasure (reprogramming the nervous system) (6:57)
- Programming universal law into the body (3:26)
- Dearmouring breath and releasing sound (4:54)
- Breath part 2 -Mindfulness brain chemistry (2:13)
- Holotropic breathwork- when activations don't work (7:26)
- How to press (3:08)
- As above, so below (3:39)
- Injecting pain with your thumb (2:02)
- Teaching a client to de-armour (little energy moving, no activation) (25:08)
- Lowering the pain threshold (8:46)
- De-armouring overview demo (17:56)
- De-armouring leading into working Tantrically. Full version (20:07)
- De-armouring leading into working Tantrically. Short version (11:18)
- Life pulse massage with emotional de-armouring (18:50)
- Everything but de-armouring the chest. Full version (25:03)
- Everything but de-armouring the chest. Short version (18:52)
- Working on the spine in level 1. Upright, face up and down (20:23)
- De-armouring the abdomen / life pulse massage face down (10:54)
- De-armouring the face. Mouth of God. Access bars. Integration (13:11)
- De-armouring the face and sinuses (16:46)
- Emotional de-armouring with energetic bodywork (17:44)
- Teaching a client to de-armour POOR SOUND QUALITY (23:28)
- Pain and sensuality **pre-sale mode
- De-armouring the legs **pre-sale mode
- Opening the root (16:00)
- De-armouring the abdomen **pre-sale mode
- De-armouring the chest **pre-sale mode
- Life pulse massage (15:14)
- How to breathe when holding space (Mallorca) (6:46)
- Combining holotropic breathwork with de-armouring and working tantrically part 1 (10:11)
- Combining holotropic breathwork with de-armouring and working tantrically part 2 (5:28)
- Completing a session with hypnosis for body (5:04)
- Q&A after the recap on level one session (5:09)
- Cord cutting **pre-sale mode
- Fine lines between coaching, healing and working from non-dual states **pre-sale mode
- Working with divinity **pre-sale mode
- Energetic structures VS words, spells and hypnosis **pre-sale mode
- Removing negative energies, entities, lower astral being, thought forms and implants **pre-sale mode
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration One (9:36)
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Two (5:40)
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Three (11:31)
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Four (4:54)
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Five (5:18)
- Process of Kundalini Activation - Demonstration Six (7:40)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 1 (1:30)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 2 (4:29)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 3 (2:36)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 4 (2:43)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 5 (1:10)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 6 (1:50)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 7 (1:23)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 8 (1:44)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 9 (0:40)
- Chi increasing / sublimation breath part 10 (1:22)
- Intro to advanced shadow work (5:25)
- Shadow work fundamentals (5:58)
- 4 levels of shadow work (4:03)
- Vibrational match (2:00)
- The perpetrator needs to heal (3:16)
- Transcending desires VS making desires healthy (4:54)
- Shadow work. Making our desires healthy (PDF)
- Transmuting desires and shadows (2:54)
- Learning Journal: What is Darkness (PDF)
- Learning Journal: Mirror of Desire (PDF)
- Group Sessions in Kundalini Bodywork PDF
- Group Sessions in Kundalini Bodywork (7:21)
- Group session feedback in a group coaching call (3:55)
- Day 1 part 1 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (20:36)
- Day 1 part 2a Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (18:19)
- Day 2 part 1 meditation Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat
- Day 2 part 2 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (24:36)
- Day 2 part 3 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat (24:34)
- Day 2 part 4 Zoom weekend workshop during Mallorca detox retreat **pre-sale mode
- Q&A part 1 (10:47)
- Q&A with demo part 2 (16:17)
- Q & A’s: Menstruation, ovarian breathing, risks of preventing pregnancy through too much sublimation (8:39)
- Q & A's: Relaxing into trauma (2:36)
- Q & A’s: Entities in 2 minutes (1:59)
- Q & A’s: Tantric Embodiment (9:02)
- Q & A’s: When to traumatise a client on purpose (shadow work) (2:24)
- Q and A’s: When an emotional energy centre does not open (1:35)
- Q & A’s: Beliefs change reality (3:57)
- Q & A’s: Closing the energetic field (6:23)
- Q & A’s with demo: Non-dual healing, open an energetic body with connection very slowly (26:28)
- Tantric conscious sexuality (3:09)
- What is Kundalini Bodywork Portugal March 2022 (6:48)
- Kundalini NOT Serpent Amsterdam September 2022 (5:36)
- Art of Surrender in Kundalini Bodywork Tulum May 2022 (1:48)
- Tantric Kundalini Goddess embodiment Tulum May 2022 (2:54)
- The Power is within Portugal March 2023 (2:13)
- Clearing the throat Chakra May 2022 (1:42)
- Tantric Embodiment Amsterdam September 2022 (1:09)
- Embody your higher self Costa Rica December 2022 (2:42)
- Energetic cord cutting (4:31)
Short on funds
3 month payment plan available
Pre Sale Advanced level 1 & 2 including Intro
$300 x 3 payments
2 ways to engage
1. Non-certified (self-study) study at your own pace
2. Certified (with study group) we support you in creating a study group of between 5 to 12 people who you will embark on a year-long journey with. You will support and motivate each other to work through the course material while self-reflecting on your own personal development journey. You will meet online as a group, and also with the course tutor, Elliott.
To be certified by the School for Energetic Bodywork, you will need to pass a series of knowledge tests, submit your learning, attend a video interview to confirm it was you who took the online tests and submit videos of yourself practising the work with testimonials that we can verify.
Once certified, you may advertise in our practitioner directory (currently, the only way to advertise is to attend an in-person training).
Short on funds
3 month payment plan available
Pre Sale Advanced level 1 & 2 including Intro